S.tentishev Asian Medical Institute arranged a visit for a delegation of Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College and college of Allied health sciences which included honorable Dr.Farooq Saeed khan (Chairman of AMDC & founder of College of Allied Health Science) and Prof Dr.Fareeha Farooq (Co-Chairperson, AMDC). the delegation also included members from Azra Naheed Medical College. The delegation visited the different campuses of the Asian Medical Institute and polyclinic also.
During their visit, they surveyed the laboratories of the Asian Medical Institute and appreciated the modern technology and equipment which the institute has acquired and is been used to teach the students.
The Chairman of Akhtar Saeed medical college also addressed the students of Asian Medical Institute and appreciated the efforts of the Institute for the betterment of quality education. He also showed satisfaction regarding the infrastructure and referred to it as “Modern and complete infrastructure”.
Both universities have already signed a memorandum of understanding and agreed to improve the quality of education and clinical skills in the future through mutual cooperation. Both parties decided on the exchange of faculty for the development of medical education and clinical skills of students. Research work will also be done in the future by the cooperation of both universities for improvement in the field of medicine and surgery. Both universities will further cooperate in the future for the development of both institutions. AMDC will also help graduates of AzMI to prepare for licensing exam in Pakistan.
S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute has also already signed a memorandum of cooperation with the college of Allied health science which also includes the exchange of faculty and improving clinical skills.