Ethical Code of AsMI Student

Human is the highest value.
Mastering knowledge and skills to save lives and preserve human health, deep and serious study of Medicine is the duty of every student of AsMI.

The ethical code of the AsMI student is based on the basic principles:

  • High morality is a set of social rules and norms of behavior that people are guided by their lives based on observance of morality, behavior from the point of view of good and evil, justice and injustice, and the ability to live according to conscience and honor.
  • Medical ethics – the doctrine of morality and moral education of the personality of a medical worker, based on humanism, scientific knowledge and practical measures to recognize, treat and prevent diseases, preserve and strengthen people’s health;
  • Medical deontology – a set of ethical norms and rules of conduct for medical workers in the performance of their professional duties.
  • Dignity is a category of ethics, meaning a special moral attitude of a person towards himself and the attitude towards him on the part of society, and those around him, based on the recognition of the value of a person as a person.
  • Conscience is an expression of a person’s ability to exercise moral self-control, to form moral obligations for oneself, to demand from oneself to fulfill them and to make a self-assessment of the actions performed.
  • The high rank of a medical worker is a traditionally formed Attitude in society towards representatives of all medical professions, as towards the most literate and educated people, with high moral and ethical values, ready for self-sacrifice, consciously taking on the responsibility of fighting for human life and health.

Article 1.

  • The behavior of a student at the institute and outside corresponds to the highest rank of a medical worker.
  • The relationship between students, staff and teachers, students and administration, students, and patients is based on mutual respect and cooperation, tact and correctness, courtesy and mutual assistance, and high demands on the level of their knowledge and competence.
  • The student does not admit, does not accept, and does not enter into a corrupt relationship.
  • The student observes the principles of high morality, humanism, medical ethics and deontology, and tolerance in communicating with others.
  • Any form of humiliation of honor and dignity, physical and mental violence against a person, obscene, abusive, and slang speech within the walls and on the territory of the institute, at clinical bases, in dormitories, statements that humiliate the honor and dignity of other students, teachers, patients. and staff are not allowed.
  • The student strives to create a healthy microclimate in the team, does not allow manifestations of personality discrimination on gender and social grounds.
  • The student shows respect for the customs and traditions of representatives of different peoples, and takes into account the cultural and other characteristics of ethnic groups and religious confessions.

Article 2.

  • The student leads a healthy lifestyle, intelligently organizes educational and leisure time, is engaged in physical education, and is an example for others.
  • The student consciously chooses a complete rejection of the consumption of all types of tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages. In communication with younger people and peers, he actively opposes the spread of bad habits, and the use of narcotic drugs.
  • The student actively maintains an atmosphere of kindness, friendship, and mutual assistance in the team, takes care of his comrades, and helps junior students to adapt to the student environment.
  • The student takes good care of the library and information resources of the institute, furniture, and equipment of classrooms, and maintains cleanliness and order in classrooms, clinics, library, dining room, sports halls, and hostels.
  • The student maintains cleanliness throughout the Institute and takes part in its improvement by seasonal schedules.
  • A student throughout the entire territory and on the premises of the institute observes safety precautions, fire safety rules, and in medical organizations the medical-protective and anti-epidemiological regime.
  • Eating is carried out in specially designated places.

Article 3.

  • The student recognizes as necessary and useful any activity aimed at strengthening the student self-government system, developing student creative activity (scientific and educational, sports, artistic, etc.), at improving corporate culture.
  • The student does not allow the dissemination of antisocial information aimed at destabilizing the order established in the AsMI and also does not participate in unauthorized meetings, demonstrations, rallies, pickets, actions, and processions.

Article 4.

  • The student has a neat appearance that meets the standards of medical organizations and the regimes in them.
  • The main dress code is a white coat or medical suit. The wearing of a clean gown or other type of medical clothing (medical suit), medical cap, and change of shoes is mandatory.
  • The white coat should have a sleeve and hem so long that it completely covers the clothing underneath. A length that covers 2/3 of the thigh, and 3/4 of the arms is considered acceptable.
  • The wearing of transparent medical clothing is ethically discouraged.
  • An AsMI student should not wear a medical uniform with logos of other medical institutions and companies.
  • The student has a neat hairstyle, long hair must be tied up.
  • At the entrance to the buildings of the institute and to the clinical bases, the student takes off his headdress, takes his outerwear to the wardrobe, and brings himself into proper form following the requirements of the Code of Ethics.
  • Wearing tracksuits, shorts, short skirts, slates, and other defiant clothing is not allowed, as it contradicts the norms of medical ethics and is a sign of a disrespectful attitude towards teachers, patients, and colleagues.
  • At catering points, outside the territory of the institute and clinical bases, as well as in public places, students are in normal clothes, without medical uniforms.
  • The use of cosmetics and perfumes with a strong smell, manicures with nail extensions, inappropriate (large) jewelry and costume jewelry, and high-heeled shoes is not ethically approved.

Article 5.

  • The student conscientiously masters the educational program and attends all classes and lectures provided for in the schedule by the curriculum of the educational program being mastered.
  • In practical classes, the student is present in medical clothing and removable shoes, observes peace and order, and is on time for classes.
  • The student does not consciously use extraneous and distracting objects from study (phones, cameras, etc.), except for cases of educational necessity.
  • The student knows the name, patronymic (if any) and surname of the teacher, and respects the teaching staff, the administration of the institute, and the workers, and medical personnel of medical organizations, based on which the educational process takes place.
  • The student addresses an older or stranger to “you” and does not allow familiarity when communicating with teachers and employees of organizations.
  • The relationship between students and the administration of any organization is based on courtesy and correctness, mutual respect and readiness for mutual assistance. When meeting, the student greets teachers, employees of organizations.

Article 6.

  • The student respects the honor and dignity of the patient, treats him kindly, respects his rights to personal secrets, and understands the concerns of relatives and friends about the patient’s condition.
  • Self-promotion, and advertising of doctors, drugs, and medical products when communicating with patients is unacceptable.
  • Taking photos with patients or against their background, as well as photographing and shooting videos in medical institutions (allowed with the permission of the patient or the administration for educational purposes only) is not ethically approved.
  • The publication and discussion on social networks or other open sources of patient data, photographs of clinical cases that became available in the learning process, case histories, and situations related to the learning process of medicine are not ethically approved.
  • The student does not accept for himself and with all his might he struggles with such types of violations of academic discipline as passing knowledge control procedures by dummies; use of cheat sheets, technical means of transferring and receiving information in the process of knowledge control; forgery and forgery of documents.
  • The student has no right to publicly question the professional qualifications of the attending physician or in any other way discredit him.
  • The student takes into account the right of other students to their own opinions and self-expression.
  • Scientific work, assistance to departments, participation in Olympiads, and student scientific circles are encouraged in every possible way.
  • The student takes an active part in discussions on scientific and clinical issues in classes, conferences and symposia, held in an environment of high demanding and academic character.
  • Participation in volunteer activities, and part-time work in medical and prophylactic and children’s institutions (as agreed) is encouraged.