Head of the department
Karagulova Meerim Sharypbekovna
Address: Kyrgyz Republic, Kant city, 58 Gagarina street
Email: [email protected]
Working hours: Monday 8.30-17.00, Saturday 8.30-16.00
History of the department
Department of Natural and Humanitarian Disciplines was established in 2015.
The Department is a structural subdivision of the Institute, which carries out educational, methodical, research and educational work.
Teachers of the Department teach students 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of General Medicine and Stomatology faculties, and also students of the medical College of AsMI.
Subjects we teach:
- 1st of General Medicine faculty: Kyrgyz language, Russian language, English language, Latin language, Bioecology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and computer science, Psychology, Philosophy, Manas study, Physical training.
- 2nd year of General Medicine faculty: Philosophy, History, History of medicine, General clinical biochemistry, Physical training.
- 3rd year of General Medicine faculty: Law 4. 1 course
- 1st year of Stomatology faculty: Kyrgyz language, Russian language, English language, Latin language, Bioecology, Chemistry, Bioorganic chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and computer science, Psychology and pedagogy, Philosophy, Manas study , Law, Physical training.
- 2nd year of Stomatology faculty: Philosophy, History, History of medicine, Physical training.
- 5th year of Stomatology faculty: Law
- 1st year of medical College AsMI: Kyrgyz language, Russian language, English language, Latin language, Bioecology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and computer science, Psychology and pedagogy, Manas study, Physical training.
Staff of the department
- Karagulova Meerim Sharypbekovna – head of Department
- Akmatova Rapiya Akmatovna – PhD
- Hadjamberdiev Igor Vahabovich – PhD
- Tokusheva Tolobubu – PhD
- Rysalieva Burul Absamatovna –head teacher of Department
- Abdullaeva Nadira Abdumitalipovna
- Aliyeva Mahabat Beishekeevna
- Akunov Mairambek Kasievich
- Berdibekova Medina BerdibekovnaDidenko Victoriya Ivanovna
- Docturbekova Nazgul Docturbekovna
- Duishenbekova Umut Askarbekovna
- Jamgyrchieva Dinara Sovetbekovna
- Jeenbaeva Aizada Aalyaskarovna
- Jumashalieva Aigerim Urustembekovna
- Malikova Gulzat Kanatbekovna
- Kachieva Shahriza Satkynovna
- Kazakbaeva Rys Tabyldyevna
- Knyazev Igor Aleksandrovich
- Koikelov Ulan Salmorbekovich
- Kojonalieva Jyldyz Zarlykovna
- Kulubaeva Akylai Mukashevna
- Omurzakova Meerim Kanybekovna
- Osmonbaeva Madina Tabaldievna
- Seitalieva Jaigul Temirovna
- Subanov Mirlan Turdubekovich
- Ryspekova Altynai Erkinbekovna
- Tashtanova Jazgul Muhtarovna
- Yulgusheva Lyudmila Kuzminichna
- Aliyarova Mukaddas –assistant of Department

Educational and methodical work of the department
Educational and methodical work of the Department consists of daily preparation for lessons, preparation of lesson plans and development of handouts, tests and assignments, developing teaching materials, module and exam questions
In the framework of the educational-methodical work of teachers of department has been made:
- A manual for students of General Medicine faculty “Latin language and medical terminology” – Karagulova M. Sh.
- A manual for students of Stomatology faculty “Russian language”
- Workbook for students of General Medicine faculty “English language” Logistical support of the Department consists of 17class rooms, including 1 computer room and 1 laboratory room for science class. All classrooms of the Department are decorated according to subject taught there.
All teachers have passed courses of improvement of teaching qualification in 2016 and 2017.
On the lessons the teachers use both traditional methods and innovative methods of teaching using visual materials in the form of posters, tables, video films and slides.
The scientific activity of the department
4 teachers of the department have PhD degrees.
4 post-graduate students and 1 doctorate are working in department who do research work on subjects:
“Lyrisms in Kyrgyz language” – Tokusheva T. PhD
“Phraseological means of conceptualization of emotions in Kyrgyz and English languages” – Karagulova M. Sh. – post graduate student
“Linguopoetics analysis of the poem “Gulgaky” in the English translation” — Seitalieva J. T.- post graduate student
Ryspekova A.E. – post graduate student
Abdullaeva N.A. – post graduate student
Participation in conferences, symposia, seminars
- Conference “Humanities in the XXI century” Moscow 2016 Karagulova M. Sh. “Productive suffixes of Latin origin, as a means of word formation in English”
- Hadjamberdiev I.V.
- Ka:rmic linguistics 02.10.17- 08.10.17 seminar (Karagulova M.Sh., Tokusheva T., Rysalieva B. A., Abdullaeva N.A., Aliyeva M.B., Berdibekova M. B., Duishenbekova U. A., Jamgyrchieva D.S., Jeenbaeva A.A., Malikova G.K., Kachieva Sh.S., Kazakbaeva R. T., Koikelov U.S., Kojonalieva J. Z.,
Omurzakova M. K., Osmonbaeva M. T., Seitalieva J.T., Ryspekova A. E.)
Scientific – research work of students
The Department operates the following Student Scientific Circles:
- Medical terminology – development of a Handbook of anatomical and medical eponyms
- The Kyrgyz language –cultural-aesthetic education of students
- Russian language –language competence in the Russian language of foreign students.
- Psychology circle –
Educational work of the Department. Curators
Teachers of Department are in charges of batches and giving support for students in solving their study, institute and hostel problems:
- Kazakbaeva R.T. – senior curator of Department
- Kachieva Sh.S.
- Kojonalieva J.Z.
- Seitalieva J.T.
- Ryspekova A.E.
Teachers of the Department also conduct educational work among the students of the Institute; the teachers of the Department are organizing and conducting the following activities:
- Day of the Kyrgyz language
- Initiation ceremony
- The creative evenings devoted to Kyrgyz historical and cultural heritage
- The Celebration of Nooruz
- The celebration of 9 may
- Scientific and practical conference of students and young scientist of AsMI
Students AsMI, under the authority of the teachers of the Department, presented an hour-long concert and participated in the Student festival “Ala-Too Jazy 2017” and was awarded the first-degree diploma in the nomination “Pop performance on the theme – Kyrgyzstan, friendship and unity”.