Category: International Cooperation

by Ali Zunair / on 1 February, 2025

Best Researcher Award – Recognizing Excellence in Science & Education

The Best Researcher Award is presented to distinguished researchers and educators from scientific and academic institutions within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and beyond. This competition recognizes individuals who demonstrate exceptional achievements in research, innovation, and education. Recipient: Osmonbaeva Madina TavaldievaAward Title: Diploma
by admin / on 17 May, 2023

AzMI receives guests from KazNMU named after. S. Asfendiyarova

On May 17, 2023, the corridors of the Asian Medical Institute named after S. Tentishev welcomed a distinguished guest, Ulpan T. Skakova, the Deputy Dean of the School of Dentistry at S. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. This visit, marked by the spirit of
by admin / on 17 May, 2023

Bridging Excellence: Academic Collaboration in action Between AzMI and KazNMU

In a testament to the growing bonds of collaboration and academic synergy, the implementation of previously established memorandums of cooperation between AzMI named after S. Tentishev and KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov has taken a tangible step forward. On May 15, 2023, a cohort
by admin / on 9 March, 2023

Academic Mobility in Action

Turdubaeva EK Senior teacher of the Department of Surgical Disciplines of AzMI visited Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov (Almaty) on March 9, 2023 with guest lectures. A lecture on the topic “Relief of pain in newborns” was given to residents of the Department
by admin / on 20 May, 2022

Visit of AAEPO

A team from The Independent Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO) will visit S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute from 23-25 May 2022. The Independent Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO) is a leading international accreditation agency
by admin / on 26 February, 2022

Cooperation with the Volga Research Medical University

Expanding the boundaries of international cooperation.From 9.02.2022 to 11.02.2022, a delegation of AzMI named after Satkynbay Tentishev visited the Volga Research Medical University in Nizhny Novgorod.During the visit, bilateral cooperation between universities in research activities, and the exchange of best practices in the quality
by admin / on 4 November, 2021

MOU with Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College

S.tentishev Asian Medical Institute arranged a visit for a delegation of Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College and college of Allied health sciences which included honorable Dr.Farooq Saeed khan (Chairman of AMDC & founder of College of Allied Health Science) and Prof Dr.Fareeha Farooq
by admin / on 25 August, 2021

Memorandum of Cooperation with Caspian University

The delegation of S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute visited the Caspian University of Kazakhstan. The members of the delegation were the Rector of medical faculty “Selpiev Toychubek Tulekovich”, Vice Dean “Kachieva Sh.S”, Head of the Department of natural and humanitarian sciences “Karagulova Meerim Sharypbekovna”