AzMI Triumphs at International Conference: Students Shine in Preventive and Clinical Medicine

In a remarkable display of academic prowess, two students from the Asian Medical Institute, Sidorov Mark from the Faculty of Dentistry and Maksytova Gulnazik from the Faculty of General Medicine, took center stage at the International Student Conference “International Student Scientific and Practical Conference – Preventive and Clinical Medicine” held at the Caspian Higher Medical School in Almaty on May 20, 2023. Under the guidance of the esteemed teacher, Anvar Ramazanovich Yakhizov, from the Department of EHD, these aspiring medical professionals showcased their research prowess and dedication to advancing the field. Maksytova Gulnazik’s presentation, in particular, stood out, earning her the distinguished recognition of having the best research work at the conference.

The students’ participation not only reflects the commitment of AzMI to nurturing academic excellence but also underscores the caliber of the institution’s faculty and their dedication to mentoring the next generation of medical leaders. The triumph at the international conference serves as a testament to the institute’s emphasis on fostering research skills and instilling a passion for scientific inquiry among its students, ultimately preparing them for impactful contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of preventive and clinical medicine.