“Children are our future!” This is exactly what the Olympiad was called by the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics, one of the young departments of AzMI. The Olympics took place on March 22, 2024 in the main building of AzMI.
The organizers of the event are the acting head of the department EJ Sulaymanova, senior lecturer of the department AR Raimberdieva. and senior lecturer of the department Abdukadyrova Kh.M.
Three teams participated in the Olympiad: “HiFve iiatros”, “Little Fontanelle”, “Marvel Medicos”. 5th and 6th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine. According to the results of the intellectual competition, the team “Marvel Medicos” took first place. The Olympiad included: solving situational problems, tests, and interpreting X-ray images, there were 5 rounds in total. All teams were awarded appropriate medals and memorable prizes. The members of the jury were: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Lyukhurov RN, Tulieva AK, Tkhilaev M., Ayakeev TK
The organizers express their gratitude to the administrative director of AzMI SR Bikbulatova and the rector, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor TT Selpiev.