In accordance with the Regulations on the educational organization of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by the decree of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 3, 2004, No. 53 and the decree Of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 29, 2012. No. 346 in order to develop and implement intra-University policy in educational and scientific activities, to solve at a high professional level the main issues of higher education institutions and to ensure high-quality training of specialists, as well as with the Law “on education”, “Regulations on state higher education institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic”, ” Regulations on the Academic Council of higher education institutionsยป, The Charter of the Asian medical Institute “Azmi” organizes the Academic Council. The academic Council is a public and professional management body of a higher education institution.
The Academic Council is the governing body that reviews the main educational and scientific-pedagogical activities of the Institute;
The main functions and tasks of the Academic Council:
1. consideration of issues and development of proposals for the creation, disbandment of branches and representative offices, creation, and termination of the activities of structural divisions of the Institute;
2. consolidation and division of faculties, departments, and other scientific and educational structural divisions;
3. approval of annual and long-term plans for the development of higher education institutions;
4. hearing reports of Vice-rectors, heads of departments, heads of educational, methodical, scientific, and educational activities, taking measures for their further improvement;
5. hearing reports of structural heads of the Institute on the results of their activities, the expiration of their term of office, and the adoption of recommendations for re-election;
6. approval in accordance with existing and state educational standards of qualification characteristics, work plans and schedule of the educational process, the list of elective subjects, as well as determining the procedure for approving programs of academic disciplines, individual curricula of residents, postgraduates, and the procedure for monitoring their implementation;
7. consideration of issues of organization and optimization of the educational process, the introduction of effective modern learning technologies into the educational process;
8. definition of the main directions of research work;
9. development, modification of the principles of admission of students and the main requirements for them in agreement with the Founder, within the General rules established by regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz REPUBLIC;
10. establishment of personal and personal scholarships to students for special achievements in their studies in agreement with the Founder;
11. review of the main areas of research and distribution of targeted financial resources for their implementation in agreement with the Founder;
12. hearing reports on bringing competitive elections for positions of teaching staff, heads of departments, deans of faculties, heads of structural divisions in accordance with the established procedure;
13. consideration of cases of scientific and pedagogical workers, postgraduates, doctoral students of the Institute for awarding academic degrees and providing recommendations to specialized councils for the defense of dissertations;
The main activities of the Academic Council.
The main activities of the Scientific Council of the Institute are aimed at determining the development strategy of the Institute and its divisions, developing and adopting regulatory documents regulating the activities of the Institute and its structural divisions.
Composition of the Academic Council.
The Academic Council consists of the Founder, the administrative Director, the rector, who is the Chairman of the Academic Council, Vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of specialized departments, the head of the UMO, representatives of administrative and financial divisions, and the academic Secretary. The procedure for nominating members of the Academic Council is determined by the current Academic Council. The number of members of the Academic Council is set by the Founder depending on the structure of the Institute, the quantitative composition of the teaching staff (this contingent should not exceed 50% of the total number of the teaching staff). The Academic Council also includes representatives of faculties and academic departments from among leading scientists, professors, and associate professors, who are elected in accordance with the established procedure by the relevant structures. The Academic Council is approved by the rector of the higher education institution for a period of 2 years in agreement with the Founder. The decision of the Academic Council is considered valid if the meeting is attended by at least 2 / 3 votes of its members. The decision is taken by a simple majority of votes in open voting, and the contest for the positions of faculty and academic staff, the election of deans of faculties, heads of departments, the provision of academic titles of Associate Professor and Professor โ secret ballot. Two months before the expiration of the term of office of the Academic Council, the rector announces the election of a new Academic Council. Elections are held before the expiration of the term of office of the former Academic Council. At retirement members of the Academic Council before the end of his term, the completion of its mandated number is given at the beginning of the school year in the same order as the formation of its composition. The Charter of the Institute defines the rules of work of the Academic Council, the procedure for completing its personal staff, and replenishment in case of early retirement of individual members of the Academic Council. The meeting of the Academic Council is recorded. The minutes are signed by the Chairman and the Scientific Secretary of the Council. The Chairman of the Academic Council organizes a systematic review of the implementation of the Council’s decisions and informs the members of the Council about the implementation of the decisions taken. Early re-elections Of the Academic Council of the Institute are held at the request of at least half of its members.