Author: admin

by admin / on 12 April, 2024

Best Research Work 2024

In the International Scientific Research Competition “Best Research Work 2024”, which was conducted by the International Center for Scientific Partnership, the Russian Federation, teacher of the department Usupova Aigerim Bakytbekovna, together with three of our students Boddu Raja Sri, Subramanian Christina, Shiva Rama Krishna,
by admin / on 7 April, 2024

Charity Event by EHD department

Students of the AzMI Medical College under the leadership of the head teacher of the EHD department Yakhizov AR held a charity event and visited the Nizhne-Serafimovsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled on April 6, 2024. Gifts were purchased with the funds
by admin / on 6 April, 2024

Inter-University Olympiad on Latin 2024

On April 6th, 2024, the Department of Essential Humanistic Disciplines (EHD) witnessed a stimulating academic affair orchestrated by teacher Amankulova AR: the Internal University Olympiad in Latin. This event proved to be a beacon of enthusiasm as first-year students fervently engaged in the competition,
by admin / on 6 April, 2024

Inter-University Olympiad on Philosophy 2024

On April 6th, 2024, the Department of Unified State Dynamics witnessed a captivating intellectual event under the guidance of senior teacher Osmonbaeva MT: the Internal Olympiad in Philosophy. Within the hallowed halls, first and second-year students showcased their profound understanding and analytical prowess, delving
by admin / on 6 April, 2024

Round table conference on “Revolutionary trends in healthcare.”

On April 6, 2024, within the framework of World Health Day, the Department of Therapeutic and Special Disciplines of AzMI held a round table conference “Revolutionary Trends in Healthcare.”On this significant day dedicated to the global celebration of health, the AzMI student community, together
by admin / on 27 March, 2024

Round table dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day 2024

On March 27, 2024, AzMI named after. S. Tentishev’s Department of Morphological Disciplines organized and held a round table dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness about the problem of tuberculosis among students of the medical college
by admin / on 23 March, 2024

Awareness about drug-resistant tuberculosis in AzMI

March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day. This year’s motto is “Yes! We can eliminate tuberculosis!” Tuberculosis continues to be one of the deadliest diseases in the world, and recent years have seen an alarming rise in the number of drug-resistant tuberculosis cases. On March
by admin / on 22 March, 2024

Intra-university Olympiad on Pediatrics 2024

“Children are our future!” This is exactly what the Olympiad was called by the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics, one of the young departments of AzMI. The Olympics took place on March 22, 2024 in the main building of AzMI.The organizers of the
by admin / on 22 March, 2024

Intra-university Olympiad on Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024

“Women’s health is the key to the health of the nation” Under this slogan, an intra-university Olympiad in “Obstetrics and Gynecology” was held at AzMI named after S. Tentishev on 22 March 2024 among 4-6 year students of the Faculty of General Medicine. This
by admin / on 21 March, 2024

Nowruz 2024

Nowruz, the vibrant celebration marking the arrival of spring and the Persian New Year, painted the Asian Medical Institute with colors of joy and cultural richness on March 20, 2024. Led by the esteemed Chairman, Erkin Tentishev, the institute embraced this cherished tradition with