AzMI 10th anniversary

On June 27, 2019, a solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute (AzMI) was held. For a relatively short path of development, AzMI has passed a difficult, but an innovative path of formation. Over the past 10 years, a huge breakthrough has been made to improve the material and technical base, improve the quality of education and fight corruption. At each stage of development, the institute achieved certain positive successes in the educational process, the latest innovative technologies were introduced in teaching students. More than 3 thousand students from 14 countries of the world study at AzMI.

● AzMI has successfully passed the accreditation of higher professional education through the independent agency “Ednet”;

● AzMI also passed the accreditation of secondary vocational education through the independent agency AAPO (Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations).

● AzMI is the only higher educational institution in the republic that received a certificate in the nomination “University is a territory without corruption” from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the independent agency “Ednet”;

● 6 dormitories with an improved layout were built for foreign students;

● The AzMI Medical Center was built in a 9-story building in Bishkek, where students learn to work with modern diagnostic medical equipment, participate in examining patients and provide medical care to the population;

● A 5-story new educational building has been built, which houses 96 classrooms, 7 lecture halls with a capacity of 130 students each, a large assembly hall for 600 seats, a modern sports hall, an electronic and book library, computer classes;

● Purchased an interactive anatomical table “Pirogov” for the study of human anatomy and physiology;

● A new Simulation Center equipped with dummies and phantoms for the study of human anatomy and physiology was opened;

● There are 5 educational buildings in total for teaching students.

● Excellent students and activists annually receive preferential scholarships of 30% -50% -100%, which is a huge moral and material incentive for them to study at AzMI.

● AzMI has its own boarding house in Issyk-Kul, where not only employees but also students have an opportunity to have a rest in the summer.

● Foundation is laid for the construction of a new 5-story Hospital with 600 beds and 140 staff apartments.

Thus, at the Asian Medical Institute. Satkynbay Tentishev over the past 10 years there has been significant positive changes both in improving the material and technical base and in improving the quality of education, developing the export of education.