AzMI Hosts Intra-University Scientific Conference

On June 16, 2023, the Asian Medical Institute hosted a vibrant intra-university scientific conference, spotlighting “Modern Approaches to Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Rehabilitation of Major Pathologies in Medical Practice.” Rector Toychubek Tilekovich Selpiev, an Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, recognized the rising interest in research activities among students and faculty, setting a scholarly tone for the event. The conference showcased the research endeavors of seven departments, with notable recognition for outstanding student researchers and dedicated teaching staff. The awards ceremony celebrated the collective commitment to advancing medical knowledge, reinforcing AzMI’s dedication to cultivating a culture of research excellence.

Congratulations echoed through the halls as student researchers Daud Wilson, Prince Havier, Areesha Turk, Mazhar Khan, Ravi Gupta, and Muhammad Ahmad received accolades for their impactful contributions. The teaching staff, including Alamidin kyzy Aizharkyn, Kharsanova Amina Salemovna, and Shakiev Zhanchar, were also honored for their significant role in fostering academic innovation. This conference serves as a testament to AzMI’s commitment to academic growth and marks a momentous stride in the pursuit of medical knowledge and excellence within the institution.