AzMI Recognizes Excellence: Honoring Outstanding Medical Workers

In celebration of the Day of Medical Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Asian Medical Institute proudly bestowed certificates of honor upon several deserving employees. Acknowledging their long-term and dedicated contributions to healthcare and medical education, the Head of the Department of Therapeutic and Specialized Disciplines, Associate Professor B.B. Kulambaev, received a prestigious Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. This recognition applauds his commitment to scientific-methodological advancements, educational-organizational initiatives, and the implementation of innovative teaching methods.

Additionally, the institution extended its appreciation to 10 employees for their significant role in the socio-economic development of the region and their fruitful, long-term contributions to the field of medicine. These individuals were honored with certificates of honor from the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Chui region. Furthermore, 35 employees of the Asian Medical Institute were recognized for their conscientious work, fruitful contributions, and high-quality teaching indicators, receiving certificates of honor from both the Issyk-Ata District State Administration and the Asian Medical Institute. This collective acknowledgment underscores the institute’s commitment to excellence in medical education and healthcare.