In a testament to the research excellence at the Asian Medical Institute (AzMI), student Sayora Mansurovna Mumuzaeva has clinched the prestigious 1st degree diploma in the “BEST STUDENT ARTICLE 2023” category in the International Educational and Research Competition of the Russian Federation. The lauded research work, titled “EUTHANASY OF ANIMALS,” explores a critical topic under the dedicated guidance of the scientific supervisor, Yakhizov A.R., a teacher at the Department of EHD. This achievement not only underscores the caliber of students at AzMI but also exemplifies the institute’s commitment to fostering a dynamic research culture.
Sayora’s success in the international arena highlights the global impact of AzMI’s dedication to cultivating scientific inquiry among its students. The accolade not only recognizes individual achievement but also contributes to the institute’s growing reputation as a hub for academic excellence. As Sayora continues to soar in her scientific endeavors, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for further success and heights in the development of students’ scientific activities at the Asian Medical Institute.