Category: Activity

by admin / on 12 May, 2024

International Olympiad in Internal Medicine

On May 12, 2024, students of our faculty of general medicine (Adnan Ali Shah M., Abbas M. Asad, Asad M. M.) took part in the international Olympiad in internal medicine, organized in Bishkek by the First Aid Made Easy platform. The faculty leaders of
by admin / on 26 April, 2024

Anatomy Exhibition at Asian Medical Institute

The Asian Medical Institute (AsMI) recently hosted a fascinating Human Anatomy Exhibition organized by the AsMI Student Parliament. The event, held on April 26th, offered students and guests a unique opportunity to delve into the complexities of the human body. Stomatology, the study of
by admin / on 12 April, 2024

Best Research Work 2024

In the International Scientific Research Competition “Best Research Work 2024”, which was conducted by the International Center for Scientific Partnership, the Russian Federation, teacher of the department Usupova Aigerim Bakytbekovna, together with three of our students Boddu Raja Sri, Subramanian Christina, Shiva Rama Krishna,
by admin / on 7 April, 2024

Charity Event by EHD department

Students of the AzMI Medical College under the leadership of the head teacher of the EHD department Yakhizov AR held a charity event and visited the Nizhne-Serafimovsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled on April 6, 2024. Gifts were purchased with the funds
by admin / on 8 March, 2024

International Women’s Day 2024

On International Women’s Day, the vibrant spirit of empowerment filled the halls of S.Tentishev Asian Medical Institute as the AsMI Student Parliament orchestrated a day dedicated to celebrating womanhood. With a blend of education and homage, the event encapsulated the essence of women’s empowerment.
by admin / on 29 February, 2024

International Mother Language Day 2024

AzMI actively interacts with the local community. AzMI 2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Lakshya Parmar, under the guidance of the senior teacher of the Department of EHD AzMI Karagulova M.Sh. participated in the festival dedicated to International Mother Language Day. At the festival,
by admin / on 17 February, 2024

Master class on Orthopedic Dentistry

On February 16, a practical lesson was held for 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry on the topic: “Modern impression materials. Prints.” The topic of the master class is determined by the consolidation of the material from the completed module of
by admin / on 4 February, 2024

World Cancer Day 2024

On this World Cancer Day, the AsMI Student Parliament comes together to advocate for global awareness of this pervasive health challenge. As we mark the 4th of February, we stand united in emphasizing the critical importance of early detection, treatment, and supportive care options
by admin / on 1 February, 2024

Farewell to Graduates 2024: Memories

Today marks a poignant moment as we bid farewell to our graduating students, culminating in a heartfelt celebration of their achievements on Scribble Day. Laughter, tears, and cherished memories filled the air as we reminisced about their journey at the Asian Medical Institute. Beyond