Category: Activity

by admin / on 19 January, 2024

Pharmacology Round Table Conference 2024

On the 19th of January, the ASMI Student Parliament and Student Scientific Circle joined forces for a remarkable collaboration, partnering with esteemed senior Pharmacology teacher, Rysova Aiperi Kushubakova, for an enlightening event: the Pharmacology Round Table Conference. This gathering delved into the future prospects
by admin / on 30 December, 2023

New Year Bash at Asian Medical Institute

The Asian Medical Institute recently lit up the morning with a spectacular New Year celebration, orchestrated by the AsMI Student Parliament. The event featured over 15 outstanding performances, showcasing the diverse talents of Azmian students through singing, dancing, and engaging games. The morning was
by admin / on 26 December, 2023

AzMI’s Freshmen’s Party and Quaid Day Celebration 2023

Step into the magical world of Asian Medical Institute (AzMI), where joy, vibrancy, and patriotism converged on December 25th, 2023, for an unforgettable Freshmen’s Party and Quaid Day Celebration. This radiant affair marked the commencement of new journeys, paying homage to the visionary mentor
by admin / on 23 December, 2023

Advancing the Battle Against Liver Cancer: Insights from the December Conference

In a significant stride towards bolstering the fight against cancer during the dedicated month of December, the Department of Surgical Disciplines orchestrated a conference on December 23, 2023, centered around the critical theme of “Liver Cancer.” Attended by 4.5-year students, this conference provided a
by admin / on 18 December, 2023

Workshop on Biochemistry and Physiology

The 1st AzMI Student Workshop on Biochemistry and Physiology, held on December 18, 2023, was a resounding success, bringing together students from various medical and dental faculties to delve into the practical aspects of their coursework. Organized by the Department of Morphological Disciplines in
by admin / on 16 December, 2023

AzMI Students Excel in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education

In a testament to their intellectual prowess, students from AzMI actively participated in the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference titled “Artificial Intelligence in Education: Status, Problems, Prospects,” organized by the Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University in Kazakhstan. The conference provided a comprehensive platform for