by admin / on 23 November, 2021
Youth To End Tuberculosis
We are pleased to announce that our Student Priyanka Chahal get Selected in the first Virtual Youth Consultation Youth to end Tuberculosis (#Youth2ENDTB) organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Programme, She represented both Kyrgyzstan and India being a Young Health leader.According
by admin / on 23 October, 2021
1st International Conference on Medicine and Research 2021 (ICMR-21)
Bringing together all major medical disciplines 1st International Conference on Medicine and Research 2021 (ICMR-21) Asian Medical Institute Will host it live, in-person, and along by using technology in online mode too.The conference is being held In collaboration with the Network TUFH, SNO Kyrgyzstan,
by admin / on 22 August, 2021
Online Admission Portal
In order to facilitate our students in the admission process and to avoid any type of fraud-misconduct and wrong information S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute is announcing its online student admission portal on our website We highly recommend that students should take admission