Head of the department,
Doctor of medicine
Kurmanaliev Ernus Idrisovich
Address: Kyrgyz Republic, kant city, 58 Gagarina str.
Email: [email protected]
Working hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 -17.00; Saturday 8.30 -16.00
History of the department
The Department of Morphological Sciences was founded in 2004 on the basis of AsMI, based on the license ЖБ-372, registration number 111-139. The department is a structural subdivision of the institute, which carries out educational, methodical and scientific research work. Since the time of foundation, our department has been developing and improving.
Academic process of the department
The department conducts training of students of the 1-6 courses of specialties “General Medicine”, “Stomatology” and students of the 1-3 courses of Medical College of AsMI:
- I year and II year – normal and clinical anaomy; histology, embryology, cytology; medical biology, genetics, parasitology; normal and topographic anatomy.
- II year – pathological anatomy; clinical and pathological anatomy; pathological physiology; clinical pathological physiology; microbiology, virology and immunology; pathological anatomy of the head and neck.
- III year – microbiology, virology and immunology; medical biology, genetics, parasitology; general hygiene.
- IV year- medical biology;
- V year- general physiotherapy; evidence-based medicine; information activities for the protection and promotion of public health.
- VI year- medical biology, bioethics.
1. Head of the department, doctor of medicne Kurmanaliev Ernus Idrisovich.
2. Toktaliev Djenish Djumaevich – candidate of medical sciences, docent.
3. Burabaeva Anarkan Avazbekovna – candidate of medical sciences.
4. Kasmambetova Shaiyrkul Karybaevna –candidate of medical sciences.
5.Kurmankulova Nazgul Tashtanbekovna – instructor.
6. Chokoev Asan Linarovich – instructor.
7. Nadim Asif –instructor.
8. Aftab Sheikh – instructor.
9. Adylbaev Marat Imankulovich – instructor.
10. Abaeva Tunuk Abaevna – instructor.
11. Urmanbetov Mahmud Imashevich – instructor.
12. Ryspekova Altynai Erkinbekovna – instructor.
13. Halilov Ilgar Zulfigarovich – instructor.
14. Dayrbek uulu Djanarbek – instructor.
15. Muhammad Fayaz – instructor.
16. Iqbal Mudasar – insturctor.
17. Tarik Ibad-ur Rekhman – instructor.
18. Raiimbekov Nuseret Kubanychbekovich – instructor.
19. Saimamatov Nursultan Abbasbekovich – instructor.
20. Sadykova Kunduz Bayishbekovna – instructor.
Educational and methodical work of the department
Professors and instructors of the department are constantly preparing for the classes, including the development and updating of tasks for practical and laboratory classes, control tasks. For conducting lectures and practical classes in disciplines, the classrooms are equipped with the necessary equipment. The department has standard working training programs in Russian and English. In teaching is widely used visual material (stands, tables, audio and video materials, etc.). Classical and innovative methods of teaching are widely used. Teaching materials are available to students, both in paper and electronic media, which contain text and illustrative information, in all subjects.
Scientific and research work
Research work of the department is conducted in the main areas: • Immunology. • Extracorporeal detoxification. At the moment two candidate dissertations are being prepared at the department.
Scientific and research work of the students
Student scientific group work at the department. Students actively carry out independent research on the subject of the department, which resulted in reports at university student conferences.