Head of the department,
Doctor of medical sciences, professor
Kulov Bolot Beishenalievich
Address: Kyrgyz Republic, Kant city, 58 Gagarina str.
Email: [email protected]
Working hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 -17.00, Saturday 8.30 – 4.00
History of the department
The department was founded in October 2015 as a department of clinical sciences. It included therapeutic, obstetric and surgical sciences. In December 2016, in connection with the expansion (the increase in the number of students and teachers), and also according to the requirements of the reorganization in order to optimize the educational process, the department was divided into two departments: the Department of Therapeutic Sciences and the Department of Surgical Sciences. Until January 2017, the duties of the head of the department were performed by Tamila Akhmatovna Shahanova. Now the department is headed by Kulov Bolot Beishenalievich – doctor of medical sciences, professor, and neurologist by specialty.
Academic process
The department trains 27 subjects for the general medicine and stomatological faculties from the 2nd to the 6th year.
Academic staff
- Kulov Bolot Beishenalievich – head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, professor
- Imanov Engel Danakeevich – doctor of д.в.н., professor
- Kalujnyi Sergei Ivanovich – candidate of medical sciences, docent
- Toktaliev Djenish Djumabaevich – candidate of medical sciences, docent
- Shahanova Tamila Akhmatovna – instructor
- Adylbaev Marat Imankulovich – instructor
- Aftab Konvar Sheikh – instructor
- Abdullaeva Nadira Abdumitalipovna – instructor
- Kasymov Azamat Avazbekovich – instructor
- Turdubaeva Eleonora Kursanbekovna – instructor
- Danilenko Urii Leonidovich – instructor
- Korshunova Ulya Vladimirovna- instructor
- Iqbal Mudasar -instructor
- Dononbaeva Nasyikat Asylbekovna – instructor
- Dayirbek uulu Janarbek – instructor
- Joldoshev Omurbek Bakhridinovich – instructor
- Djumashaliev Chyngyz – instructor
Educational – methodical work
The staff of the department carries out a large educational and methodical work, which includes the development and introduction of educational and methodological and visual aids in the educational process, lecturing with the use of multimedia presentations, practice skills of students in phantoms are practiced. At the clinical bases of the department there is a joint reception of patients with students. Teachers of the department improve their teaching, pedagogical, curative activities by participating in international conferences, congresses, advanced training courses.
Scientific research of the department
The main directions of scientific research of the department is:
- «Molecular-genetic aspects of pulmonary diseases in the Kyrgyz population» .- Responsible – Toktogulova N.A.
Participation in conferences, symposiums and seminars
- Toktogulova N.A. participated in the First National Congress on Respiratory Diseases and Allergies, V Congress of the Kyrgyz Thoracic Society, Euro-Asian Symposium (IPCRG) in Bishkek.
- Toktogulova N.A. International conference “Arterial hypertension, focus on prevention” Bishkek, April 2015.
- Toktogulova N.A. Intership «Salzburg Colombia Seminar in Internal medicine» Salzburg, Austria, July 2015.
- Danilenko Yu.L. International Scientific Conference “Hypospadias”, Selzburg, Austria.
- Danilenko Yu.L. International Scientific Conference on Urgent Surgery, Bishkek.
- Kasymov A.A. Internship « The International Fellowship Seoul, South Korea 05.10-13.11.2015».
- Kasymov A.A. Scientific Conferenece « X-The International Postgraduate Course of Laparoscopic surgery».
Scientific works of the department
- Pediatrics- Shahanova T.A.
- Ophthalmology – Кorshunova U.V.
Clinical bases of the department
- Bishkek Scientific Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
- The department of Forensic Medicine and Law, KSMA named after I.K. Ahunabev
- Republic Bureau of Forensic Expertise.
- Clinical hospital No. 6, Bishkek.
- Republican pathological anatomical bureau.
- Alamedin territorial hospital of Chui oblast.
- Ysyk-Ata territorial hospital of Chui oblast.
- Ysyk-Ata center of family medicine of Chui oblast.
- Olympiad in psychiatry and narcology among students of the 5-year course of the Faculty of Medicine.
- Action “AIDS Day” among students of 6-course of medical faculty.
- The action “Orange Days” violence against women.
- Intergroup competition on therapy (on practical skills) at the stomatological faculty was held.
- Teacher’s Day – 10.10.2016г.
- Student’s Day – 17.11.2016г.
- Day against AIDS: the action “Learn more” in school №1 Zubkova and in AsMI.
- Competition “Mr. AsMAI”.
- Charity fundraising for children from low-income families.
- Intergroup competition on pediatrics at the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine.