February 29, 2024, Bishkek
Students of AzMI named after. S. Tentisheva proudly took part in the INTER UNIVERSITY STUDENT OLYMPIAD “BATTLE OF DENTISTS 2024”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva.
Parting words and wishes to the conference participants were expressed by the President of the Association of Dentists of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head. Department of Orthopedic Dentistry KSMA named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva, prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences Kalbaev A.A.
AzMI team named after. S. Tentisheva demonstrated her skills and knowledge at this prestigious competition, which was held in the following format:
Solving situational problems
Performing practical skills
Presentation of a scientific report
This is a significant achievement for the team and the university, and we congratulate the students on their successful participation in this prestigious event!
One of the main goals of the Interuniversity Olympiad “Battle of Dentists 2024” is:
Attracting talented and creative dental students:
The Olympiad provides an opportunity for young professionals to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities.
This is a chance to express yourself and become part of the professional community.
Participation in the competition allows students to gain valuable experience and recommendations from leading experts in the field of dentistry.
Opportunity to show accumulated knowledge:
Such events contribute to:
Attracting attention to research search:
Increasing the level of knowledge of students:
The Olympiad motivates students to deeper study of disciplines related to dentistry.
It allows them to gain new knowledge and skills
The interuniversity Olympiad “Battle of Dentists 2024” is: An important event in the life of every dental student. This is a chance to prove yourself, gain valuable experience and become part of a professional community.