The delegation of the Asian Medical Institute (AZMI) named after Tentishev Satkynbai visited the Jalalabad state university (JASU) named after B.Osmonov on June 25, 2021. The Members of the delegation, acting Vice-Rector for International Relations- Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences Uzakbaev K.A. and Vice-Rector for Academic Research Matisakov A.K. The purpose of the visit was to get familiarized with the educational and methodological base of JASU named after B.Osmonov, medical faculty to establish cooperation in research, methodological activities between our universities. Exchange of best practices in the field of training medical specialists and award the winner and participants of the Olympiad with the cup and certificates.
During the visit, a Memorandum of Cooperation was officially signed. And also awarded cups, diplomas, and certificates to the winners and participants of the “International Interuniversity Online Olympiad in the cycle of the humanities and natural sciences” and letters of thanks to the rector of JASU and the leaders, winners, and participants of the Olympiad. Letters of thanks to the administration, to the vice – Rector of JASU prof. Alibaev Atabek Pakhirovich, and the Dean of medical faculty Prof. Nurdinov Shamshidin Sharabidinovich and Head of the education department Dr. Deepak KC
Garima Yadav 1ST year 3rd place in biology
Kushagra Gupta 1st year 3rd place in physics.
Aqeedat Javed 1st year
Delegates presented a special gift for the JASU named after B. Osmonov, medical faculty
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