December 11, 2021 in the conference hall of the AzMI named after. S. Tentisheva hosted an intra-university Olympiad in anatomy and physiology among 1st and 2nd year students.
The Olympiad was held with the aim of increasing the cognitive interest of students in an in-depth study of human anatomy and physiology, strengthening friendly ties between students from different countries. Preparation for the Olympiad required the formation of teams consisting of representatives from different countries. Prior to the date of the Olympiad, the participants underwent team training at the SIMULATION Center of the Department of Morphological Disciplines of AzMI.
The event began with words of greeting from the head of the Department of Morphological Disciplines Bakyt Bekzhanovich Kulambaev, who wished the participants successful performances, showing their knowledge, talents and talents.
The Olympiad was held in English and composed of 5 competitions, such as: “Greeting”, “Bones”, “Muscles”, “Presentation of body systems”, “Cross questions between teams”.
The variety of tasks in different rounds of the Olympiad required cohesion, organization, logic and quick thinking from the teams. The jury (BB Kulambaev, AK Tulieva, MA Muratalieva, BA Iranov, Iqbal Mudassar) had the difficult task of determining the strongest. According to the results of the assessment, students were determined who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places. They were awarded certificates of winners.