Preparation for World Oral Health Day at AzMI

AsMI Student Parliament is going to organize an awareness campaign on world oral health day
Any person who wants to participate in preventative and demonstrative work regarding oral health day can come to the student parliament room in the main building.

On the occasion of the World Oral Health Day, the central activity of dental students at the Asian Medical Institute will be held at the main building. Activities include talking to students of the institute about the importance of oral health using key message cards and the WOHD 2022 campaign poster. Students will be given tips on maintaining oral health and arranging free check-ups for Free dental check-up day, which is another planned activity for WOHD 2022. The plan is to create a gallery of smiles with the aim of drawing attention to the importance of oral health in different population groups.
#WOHD22 #MouthProudChallenge