Round table conference on “Revolutionary trends in healthcare.”

On April 6, 2024, within the framework of World Health Day, the Department of Therapeutic and Special Disciplines of AzMI held a round table conference “Revolutionary Trends in Healthcare.”
On this significant day dedicated to the global celebration of health, the AzMI student community, together with teachers from the university departments, enthusiastically plunged into the study of mind-blowing topics such as:
Artificial intelligence in medicine: revolutionary opportunities for diagnosis and treatment;
Personalized medicine: an individual approach to the health of each patient;
3D printed organs: the future of transplantation and regenerative medicine;
Robotics in medicine: increasing the accuracy and efficiency of medical interventions and many others.
The lively discussions and brainstorming sessions at the roundtable ignited a passion for the future of healthcare in young people.

This event was a wonderful opportunity for future heroes of medicine to:
Explore the contours of the future of healthcare,
Exchange ideas and experiences with like-minded people,
Be inspired by innovations and discoveries.
Let’s hope that today’s students, charged with the enthusiasm and knowledge gained at the roundtable, will become true innovators who will expand the horizons of healthcare.