Sports Festival in AzMI

Student Parliament arranged an INTRA-INSTITUE SPORTS TOURNAAMENT during the month of December 2021.
The following events have been organized for the intra-Institute sports tournaments for students:


From the beginning of the session, the participants of the respective games start their practice session and they work very hard for converting their sweat into winning trophies.

  • The Institute received good remarks regarding the conduction of sports festivals not only from our students but from the students of other universities of Kyrgyzstan.
  • The student actively participated in sports as a good substitute for demonstrating their competitive nature.
  • This event aided in demoting the discrimination among students creating a friendlier environment all over the Institute.
  • The Tournament energized the environment encouraging the students to excel not only in extracurricular activities but also in Studies (the main Goal).

The Grand Finale for the INTRA-INSTITUE SPORTS TOURNAMENT was held on the 28th of DECEMBER 2021.