On April 17, 2024, 2nd and 3rd-year students of the AzMI named after S. Tentishev took part in the Intra-university student conference “Pathophysiological aspects of hemostasis disorders in hemophilia”, dedicated to World Hemophilia Day.
The event was organized by the Department of Morphological Disciplines with active assistance in organizing the event of the student scientific society of AzMI.
The purpose of the conference was to raise awareness about Hemophilia disease and share new scientific data about this disease.
Students presented reports on the following topics:
- “Fundamentals of hemostasis and classification of hemostasis pathology”
- “Etiopathogenesis of hemophilia”
- “Statistics on the prevalence of hemophilia in Kyrgyzstan and abroad”
- “Clinical manifestations of hemophilia”
- “Basic aspects of diagnosing hemophilia”
- “Modern approaches to the treatment of hemophilia”
- “Complications of hemophilia”
- “Features of treatment and prevention of hemophilia in children and pregnant women”
A competition of drawings and posters dedicated to the day against hemophilia was also organized. Based on the results of the conference and drawing competition, the most interesting works were selected and awarded with memorable gifts and certificates:
Nomination “Best Report and Speech”
1st place – Ayesha Jagongir – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Medicine;
2nd place – Anumitha Gipinath – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Medicine;
3rd place – Joel Nikhil – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Medicine.
Nomination “Best Poster”
1st place – Mohammad Aziz and Bismillah Ansari – 3rd year students of the Faculty of Medicine;
2nd place – Ankita Sahu – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Medicine;
3rd place – Bhumeshvari – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Medicine.