by admin / on 2 June, 2023

AzMI Student Shines on the International Stage: Awarded for Outstanding Research in Pedagogical Sciences

Highlighting the commitment to academic excellence at the Asian Medical Institute (AzMI), Anvesha Akanksha Bag, a dedicated student from the Faculty ...
by admin / on 27 May, 2023

Anatomy Exhibition 2023

The recent exhibition organized by the AsMI Student Parliament on Human Anatomy was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Held on May 27th, the event offer...
by admin / on 25 May, 2023

AzMI Promotes Healthy Living: A Successful Campaign Against Tobacco

From April 8 to May 25, 2023, the Asian Medical Institute (AzMI) embarked on a transformative campaign promoting a healthy lifestyle, focusing partic...
by admin / on 21 May, 2023

Bridging Expertise: AzMI-Caspian University Collaboration Cultivates Clinical Excellence

From May 15 to May 21, 2023, the spirit of collaboration between the Asian Medical Institute (AzMI) and Caspian University unfolded as 3rd-year resid...
by admin / on 20 May, 2023

AzMI Triumphs at International Conference: Students Shine in Preventive and Clinical Medicine

In a remarkable display of academic prowess, two students from the Asian Medical Institute, Sidorov Mark from the Faculty of Dentistry and Maksytova ...
by admin / on 17 May, 2023

AzMI receives guests from KazNMU named after. S. Asfendiyarova

On May 17, 2023, the corridors of the Asian Medical Institute named after S. Tentishev welcomed a distinguished guest, Ulpan T. Skakova, the Deputy D...
by admin / on 17 May, 2023

Bridging Excellence: Academic Collaboration in action Between AzMI and KazNMU

In a testament to the growing bonds of collaboration and academic synergy, the implementation of previously established memorandums of cooperation be...
by admin / on 17 May, 2023

USMLE Seminar by Humayoun Yousaf

On a Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, the S.Tentishev Memorial Asian Medical Institute's auditorium buzzed with anticipation as students gathered for a sem...
by admin / on 12 May, 2023

International Olympiad “Natural Sciences – the Basis of Medicine”

On 12 May 2023, the International Olympiad “Natural Sciences - the Basis of Medicine” was held at AzMI; representatives of nine universities: KazNMU
by admin / on 10 May, 2023

Graduating with a diploma is not the end of a difficult journey, but the beginning of something beautiful. Take action and win!

In 2023, students of the AzMI Medical College named after S. Tentishev graduated with a degree in General Medicine, and received the qualification “p
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