Author: admin

by admin / on 8 March, 2024

International Women’s Day 2024

On International Women’s Day, the vibrant spirit of empowerment filled the halls of S.Tentishev Asian Medical Institute as the AsMI Student Parliament orchestrated a day dedicated to celebrating womanhood. With a blend of education and homage, the event encapsulated the essence of women’s empowerment.
by admin / on 4 March, 2024

World Obesity Day 2024

Lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics, Asian Medical Institute named after Satkynbai Tentishev Usupova Aigerim Bakytbekovna March 4, 2023 in honor of “World Obesity Day”Together with students of the Faculty of General Medicine:Ravi Gupta, Makhruh Rehman, Gulnazik Maksytova, Kulaliev Ilim conductedhealth
by admin / on 29 February, 2024


February 29, 2024, BishkekStudents of AzMI named after. S. Tentisheva proudly took part in the INTER UNIVERSITY STUDENT OLYMPIAD “BATTLE OF DENTISTS 2024”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva. Parting words and wishes to the conference participants were expressed
by admin / on 29 February, 2024

International Mother Language Day 2024

AzMI actively interacts with the local community. AzMI 2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Lakshya Parmar, under the guidance of the senior teacher of the Department of EHD AzMI Karagulova M.Sh. participated in the festival dedicated to International Mother Language Day. At the festival,
by admin / on 28 February, 2024

Inter-University Nephrology Olympiad 2024

February 28th marked a momentous occasion at the AsMI campus as it played host to the Inter-University Nephrology Olympiad, drawing in six prestigious universities including IUK, IMU, Alatoo, KIGMA, Adam’s, and Avicenna. The event showcased the intellectual prowess and passion of budding nephrologists, with
by admin / on 17 February, 2024

Master class on Orthopedic Dentistry

On February 16, a practical lesson was held for 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry on the topic: “Modern impression materials. Prints.” The topic of the master class is determined by the consolidation of the material from the completed module of
by admin / on 16 February, 2024

12th Graduation At Asian Medical Institute

February 16th, 2024, marked a significant milestone as S. Tenishev Asian Medical Institute celebrated the graduation of the 12th Convocation (6-year program) and the 2nd Convocation (5-year program) with an atmosphere brimming with joy, pride, and gratitude. The esteemed presence of Mr. Tentishev, the
by admin / on 10 February, 2024

AsMI’s Enchanting Qawali & Mushaira Night

On the 10th of February, 2024, the AsMI Student Parliament orchestrated a mesmerizing evening of Qawali and Mushaira at the S. Tenstisheve Asian Medical Institute. The event was meticulously planned and executed, thanks to the dedication of the Parliament President and their team. Enchanting
by admin / on 8 February, 2024

AsMI’s Achievements in the All India FMGE

We are thrilled to share the outstanding achievements of our brilliant AsMI students in the recent All India Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). Through their unwavering dedication, tireless efforts, and unwavering pursuit of excellence, they have not only excelled but also secured prestigious positions,
by admin / on 4 February, 2024

World Cancer Day 2024

On this World Cancer Day, the AsMI Student Parliament comes together to advocate for global awareness of this pervasive health challenge. As we mark the 4th of February, we stand united in emphasizing the critical importance of early detection, treatment, and supportive care options