Category: Activity

by admin / on 20 April, 2023

AzMI students visited the children’s educational institution “Amanat-Tokmok”

In the holy month of Ramadan, everyone should lend a helping hand to their neighbors and those in need… AzMI students announced a fundraiser for a charity event from 04/10/2023. On April 20, 2023, they visited the children’s educational institution “Amanat-Tokmok”, which educates orphans and
by admin / on 8 April, 2023

The “Elite Doctors” team of AzMI won 1st place at the Interuniversity Olympiad

On April 8, 2023, Adam University hosted an inter-university interdisciplinary Olympiad dedicated to World Health Day. The competition was in 5 categories and 14 teams from 11 medical universities in Kyrgyzstan took part in them. The AzMI team “Elite Doctors” eventually took first place.AzMI students in
by admin / on 1 April, 2023

Energizing World Health Day at Asian Medical Institute: A Day of Fitness and Fun

World Health Day at the Asian Medical Institute was nothing short of spectacular as students enthusiastically embraced a series of fitness challenges that left everyone invigorated. The day commenced with a spirited marathon, where students from diverse backgrounds showcased their endurance, emphasizing the importance
by admin / on 24 March, 2023

AzMI students are winners of the International Olympiad at KSMA

AzMI students took an active part in the I International Olympiad for students of medical universities in fundamental disciplines, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of I.K. Akhunbaev, which took place on March 23, 2023, at the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva. 13
by admin / on 23 March, 2023

Nowruz 2023

Nooruz is an ancient national holiday of the spring equinox. This holiday has its roots in ancient times. Even before the advent of Islam, people celebrated this day as the beginning of a new year, the renewal of nature and man. A few days before the holiday,
by admin / on 9 March, 2023

Academic Mobility in Action

Turdubaeva EK Senior teacher of the Department of Surgical Disciplines of AzMI visited Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov (Almaty) on March 9, 2023 with guest lectures. A lecture on the topic “Relief of pain in newborns” was given to residents of the Department
by admin / on 5 March, 2023

Ak kalpak Day!

On March 4, 2023, a procession dedicated to Ak Kalpak Day was held at AzMI. a holiday in honor of the national headdress of the Kyrgyz people – the white cap, established by Resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of Kyrgyzstan dated June 29, 2016
by admin / on 4 March, 2023


On March 4, 2023, the Asian Medical Institute hosted the Endocrinology Olympics. 5 student teams competed in it. The guys showed their good knowledge and quick thinking.  The winners were: 1 place –   2nd place –   3rd place –   Alina ZainabTahafa AjazMohammad Aman Esha Tariq
by admin / on 18 February, 2023

Round table on the topic “PUBLIC HEALTH AND MANAGEMENT”

On February 18, 2023, the Student Scientific Club “Salvatores” of AzMI organized a round table on the topic “PUBLIC HEALTH AND MANAGEMENT.” Active representatives of student circles and leaders of student parliaments from other universities such as IMU, ADAMS, IUK, ISM & AIMU also
by admin / on 15 February, 2023


This year, in February, the final exams at AzMI were held unusually. The form of certification of students’ practical skills was an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). In this regard, current graduates can be called pioneers. As OSCE coordinator, head of the department of therapeutic and specialized