by admin / on 8 February, 2024
AsMI’s Achievements in the All India FMGE
We are thrilled to share the outstanding achievements of our brilliant AsMI students in the recent All India Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). Through their unwavering dedication, tireless efforts, and unwavering pursuit of excellence, they have not only excelled but also secured prestigious positions,
by admin / on 9 January, 2024
AzMI Terminators Claim Victory in Volleyball Showdown
We are delighted to announce the resounding success of the AzMI Terminators, our formidable volleyball team from the Asian Medical Institute, who emerged victorious in the final match against the IMU Crusaders on January 9, 2024. This thrilling volleyball event, graciously organized by Alatoo
by admin / on 6 May, 2023
Constitution Day of the Kyrgyz Republic 2023
On the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Kyrgyz Republic and the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the department of natural and humanitarian disciplines organized
by admin / on 29 April, 2023
Open days at AzMI 24-28 April 2023
Asian Medical Institute recently welcomed eager minds and potential future healthcare professionals to its Open Days—an event that unfolded as a gateway to the world of medical education and possibilities. The day commenced with an inspiring introduction, setting the stage for attendees to explore
by admin / on 25 November, 2022
Costume Day 2022 at AsMI
There was a “Costume Day” event organized by the AsMI student parliament on 22 November 2022. Costumes are known for telling the creativity of yours and enhancing your look for a day. To aware students of this idea, the student parliament organize a convivial
by admin / on 20 November, 2022
Increasing the prestige of “a person who reads as a successful, socially responsible person”
Library No. 2 held a mass event “Increasing the prestige of the “reading person as a successful, socially responsible person”, with the support of the Unified State University Department and the Dean’s Office of AzMI. More than 400 people took part in it from November 14
by admin / on 1 December, 2021
Licensing Exam Classes by Dr. Azam in AzMI
We are very glad to start our FMGE offline preparation classes for our students of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th years, On occasion, we are excited to welcome India’s one of the top-rated Professor Dr. Mohammed Azam, Anatomy. this is also an effort
by admin / on 17 June, 2021
Best student of CIS
It is our pleasure to announce that our student “Priyanka Chahal” has been awarded a medal and a 1st-degree diploma for “Best Student of Kyrgyzstan – 2021”She get invited to the Republican conference NEW TRENDS OF INDEPENDENCE (KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, UZBEKISTAN) / and her Biography
by admin / on 25 March, 2020
Celebration of “Nowruz” and “Pakistan Day” in AzMI
On March 23, 2020, the Asian Medical Institute hosted the traditional annual celebration of the Nowruz national holiday. The event was attended by the founder of the institute Erkin Satkynbaevich Tentishev, faculty and students of the Satkynbay Tentishev Asian Medical Institute.
by admin / on 19 July, 2019
AzMI 10th anniversary
On June 27, 2019, a solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute (AzMI) was held. For a relatively short path of development, AzMI has passed a difficult, but an innovative path of formation. Over the past 10 years,