by admin / on 19 July, 2019

AzMI 10th anniversary

On June 27, 2019, a solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute (AzMI) was held. For a relatively...
by admin / on 8 May, 2019

Victory Day!

Annually, at the initiative of the Founder of the AzMI Tentishev Erkin Satkynbaevich, on May 8, the Administration of the A.ย Satkynbaya Tentisheva, t
by admin / on 14 September, 2016

Memorandum of Cooperation with Baskent University Ankara

in 2016, S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute signed a memorandum of cooperation with Baskent University Ankara. Both universities agreed on improvin...
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